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Monday, April 04, 2005

Waste of Paint

I was lying awake like I do every Sunday night, unable to sleep because of sleeping in too late the night before, when a song popped into my head that had guitar and some words that fit it. Sounding original and worth writing down, I get up to play it on the guitar and see how it sounds. I strum the guitar a couple of times and then... SNAP. The G string breaks and I am left with five out of tune strings. Startled by the loud noise and angry at what just happened, I lose focus and the ability to write a song. I take it as a sign and go back to bed more awake and pissed off then I was before. Oh well, it probably would have sounded like a Ben Harper rip-off like everything else I try to write.


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate it when my g-string breaks


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